Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Vedic Astrology & Birth Time

Birth Time Rectification & Astrology
Birth time correction  can be done for determining your exact Birth Time as per date of birth. The Horoscope is rectified by taking the past events into account. The exact Birth time is accurately determined by an elaborate systematic process.
Jaspreet & Gurpreet were born on the same day and at the same place with a birth time gap of only 10 minutes. The Traditional  Astrologer analysis  horoscopes and both make the same Rashi Chart, the Astrologer give same predictions  for both.  After 20 Year  jaspreet  grows up to be a highly successful business and her sister  just an ordinary house wife at indore. Why ? the reason here is simple; the divisional charts and special lagnas change at such a fast pace that it is impossible to be ignored. 10 Minutes is long enough to cause major changes in one’s life.
       What this means for you and for me and for anybody without a twin brother/sister is that if your birth time happens to be wrong by say only two minutes, well then you are actually submitting your unborn twin’s horoscope as per time of birth as believed by you to an astrologer and if he makes future predictions for you with that, how accurate will it be? Well, your guess is as good as mine on this one! And that is the reason why rectifying your horoscope becomes the basis for making any meaningful astrological predictions. Do you want to trust that unadjusted wrist watch of the doctor or assistant with your major life decisions? Well what was the definition of birth? Is it the first time the head is seen or it the time when the nuptial cord which was cut, or the first breath/cry in this world?
We need to understand that many people are born in a gap of 2 minutes. It is our experience at Sai Astrology that the birth times are given to us aren’t very accurate in the vast majority of the cases.  The number of clients who tell us that they were born at times like 07:102am, between ‘12pm to 01pm’ etc.
  The laziness  of the parents  noted wrong birth time to the astrologer & take wrong remedies.  The lagna chart is not moving fast but in the Divisional Charts Birth charts happens very fast. By using the divisional charts like dasamsa, chaturthamsa and navamsa that provide concrete and easily measurable inferences, the native’s the birth chart can be rectified to. Divisional charts with lagnas near to the border in the occupying signs must never be ignored. Employing these methods alone, we can arrive at +-5 minutes range of the actual birth time, it is better to focus on divisional. Now, the application of ‘Kalachakra dasa’ and ‘Tajaka’ correction methods will help us find to the exact birth time of the native. Thus using macro and micro rectification methods the birth time is precisely determined.  
            So if you want Take the first step in Vedic Astrology, know the real birth time. You can also  orderfor  the correct  Birth Time report from us and get your Birth time rectified by the best Vedic Astrologers of india.
OM SAIRAM ………………………
Dr.Sanjay Geel
Sai Astrology Research Centre, Chittorgarh

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Excellent above post and it also comprises a lot of useful facts- Thanks for valuable information.Really enjoyed astrological reading.If you have time please visit my birth time chart page and please leave comments.
