Thursday, November 28, 2013


चुनाव  में  विजय  पाने  के  ज्योतिषीय  उपाय

प्रायः  हमने  देखा है  कि  कई  व्यक्ति  अचानक  किसी  राजनेतिक  दल  से जुड़ते  है  और  चंद  दिनों  में  आसमान  की  बुलंदियों  को छू  लेते  है । यह  सब ग्रह  और सितारो  का ही  कमाल  होता  है  जो  उन्हें  फर्श  से  अर्श  की  और  ले जाता  है  चाहे वो  माननीय  नरेंद्र  मोदी  जी  हो या कोई किसी  और  दल  का  प्रतिनिधि  यहाँ  हम आपको  यह बताना  चाहेगे  की  श्री  साईं  एस्ट्रॉलजी  का सम्बन्ध  किसी  भी  पोलिटिकल  पार्टी  से ना  रहा  था  और न  रहेगा , हमारा धेयेय  केवल  मानव  मात्र  की  निस्वार्थ  सेवा  मै  योगदान  देना  मात्र  है । 
       कुछ  शुभचिंतको  के आगृह  पर  हमारी  टीम  ने राजस्थान  विधानसभा  के  अस्ट्रोलॉजिकल  रिजल्ट्स  भी अपलोड  किये  आशा  है  आप सभी  इनका  कोई  पोलिटिकल  अर्थ  नहीं  निकलेगे ।  इसी  सम्बन्ध  मई हम  आज यहाँ  प्रस्तुत  कर रहे  है  किसी भी चुनाव  में  जीत  के  लिए  एस्ट्रोलॉजिकल  क्या  सोलूशन्स  हो सकते  है ।  मै  यहाँ  आपको एक सच्ची  घटना  बताना चाहूँगा  की  हाडोती  में  सरपंच  के चुनावो  में  एक  पर्सन  जिसे  वहा  आम  जनता  बिलकुल  नहीं चाहती  थी फिर भी वो  इन  सोलुशंस  से चुनाव  मै  विजयी हुए ।  प्रस्तुत  है  यहाँ  कुछ सटीक उपाय  जिन्हे आप भी  अपने  पोलिटिकल  कैंडिडेट  को बताकर  जीत कि राह  आसान  कर सकते  है -

(१ ) चुनाव  प्रचार  के दौरान  कभी भी  गुड  से  अपने आपको  नहीं तुलवाए । 
(२ ) अपने कार्यकत्ताओ  को चुनाव  से पहले  अपनी और  से  दूध  कि स्वीट्स  नहीं खिलवाये । 
(३)  चुनाव  प्रचार  के दौरान  हमेशा  अंडर  गारमेंट्स  लाल  कलर  के पहने । 
(४) अपने ईस्ट  को लगये जेन वाली  धुप  और  अगरबती  का  बुरा  अपने चुनाव क्षेत्र  के नल कूप  या कुए  में 
(५) किसी भी पर्सन को मिल्क  से बनी वास्तु  दान  में न दे 
(६) लग्न  कुंडली और  नवमांश  कुंडली  के १०  वे   भाव  के स्वामी का  रत्न  लॉकेट  में  पहने । 
(७) ६ वे  भाव के  स्वामी  के जाप  किसी  पंडित  से  प्रतिदिन  करवाये । 
(८ )पेरो  में  शू  के जगह  जूती  या  लेदर  कि चप्प्ल  पहने । 
(९)  हनुमान  कि गदा  बनवा  कर  अपनी  पॉकेट  में  रखे  ।
(१० ) मिल्क  कच्चा  पास के नलकूप  में  डाले 
(११ ) असली कस्तूरी  का  तिलक  जनसम्पर्क  के दौरान  लगाये । 

इति  शुभम् ।  ॐ  साईं  राम 
सदैव  आपका 
डॉ. संजय  गील 
साई  एस्ट्रॉलजी  रेसर्च  सेंटर , चित्तोड़गढ़

Saturday, November 9, 2013



(अस्थमा : एक  ज्योतिषीय  विश्लेषण  और  उपाय )

the foremost condition that indeed requires human viability , is respiratory function. its a true fact that human life  is make by panch tatva like water,fire, earth,air,and space and i the main stream for a healthful   sustainment. on the gross physical plane represent  three pre moral humours.harmonious dispositions of these  three main factors keep our mental , emotional and physic health index at an even level. any disturbance , uneven distribution , excess accumulation of any three humours can causes of disease.                       
 ASTHMA  is one of the most formidable and long standing disease which gives the sufferer  constant  unbearable  pain  without  any freedom  and develops a fear complex out of which gives the sufferer constant  like death. actually due to excess  accumulation of mucus  and phlegm in the  system  blocking  the conical airways and lungs  alveolar causing  a situation of breathlessness and bronical  airways  and lungs also.
ther are  quite  a number of reasons  towards  the causes  of different  types of Asthama  But the Discipline
 of Astrology is quite  helpful  ti take possible  cause  of malady  through scanning different  planetary angles and when the cause is known, the factor  lying  behind the malady  is palpably within the scope of  its reach. Now let us  understand what astrology  holds towards the cause  of asthma. we know  that a sharp  disproportion  of three  humors  is the  cause  root cause  of all maladies including  asthma . In Astrology  sun and mars, Jupiter. mercury and moon position as under:-

  • the sun and mars  on physical plane represent bile.
  • Jupiter on physical plane indicates flesh, marrow and gross primoral qualities .
  • Mercury on Physically  denotes all the  three  homours  moisture or the fludic portion of the body chiefly. 
  • The Moon and Venus  on physical  plane  denote  moisture  and fluidize portion of the  body chiefly  the mucus and phlegm.

 According to  astrology the cause of asthma is  result of humans purava karma and present life.when positions of planets  are below status hundred present person have asthma:-
  1. mercury is in the 6th house  and seen by malefic and occupying  of a navamansha of malefif planet .
  2. mars is in the 6th house and seen by mercury and venus or moon.
  3. the moon is hemmed in between saturn,mars and sun in makar rashi.
  4. the moon undercover  of saturn and stay in 7th house in this condition person injured after marry.
  5. the first drekkana of mithuna will be stay on 22 degree.
  6. mars in lagna and seen by the sun.
  7. Saturn in the 6th house and seen by sun, mars and rahu.
  8. the lord of 5th house is in the 02 house or 8th house.
  1. if mercury is in the 6th house and seen by malefic planet dont wear panna gems and green color cloths in opposite donate green fruits to children, green cloths, green sweets to kinner (hinjada- the third generation ) 
  2. every morning donate water to sun.
  3. every shukla paksha second day donate milk to moon.
  4. wear laazwart in middle finger right hand.
  5. read every day rahu, saturun,moon and murcury kawach path at morning.
  6. do not stay in your bedroom on purnima and amavasya.
  7. put margaj ganesh at your pooja house and donate laddu(mung ke daal ke)and green grass.
  8. start the meditation of shirdi sai baba which available at shirdi book stall or our website  
साईं  ज्योतिष को  आशा  है  किआपको  हमारा यह  आलेख  उपयोगी  लगेगा और   आप  हमारे  इन  प्रयासो को  सार्थक  बनायेगे  हालांकि  कारवां  और साथी  बहुत कम  है  क्योकि  आजके  भौतिक  युग में   इंसान  मानवता को  भूलता जा  रहा है , फिर  भी गुरु का आशीर्वाद  हमे एक  दिन  हमे  उस  मुकाम  तक  जरुर  पहुचायेगा  जहा  सभी का कल्याण  किया जा सके ।

ॐ  साईं  राम ।

सदैव  आपका

डॉ. संजय  गील
साईं  ज्योतिष  अनुसन्धान  केंद्र , चित्तोडगढ (राजस्थान )


केसे  जाने  कुंडली  से  वास्तु  ज्ञान

भारतीय  वैद  और  प्राचीन  मनीषियों  ने  अपने अथक  प्रयासो  से ज्योतिष  का  प्रकाश  संपूर्ण  संसार  में  संचारित  किया  और  सच  यह  है  कि  आज  विदेशी  हमारे  महान  ग्रंथो  के सहारे  चल रहे है , किन्तु  ज्योतिष  एक  ईश्वर  और सद्द गुरु  का आशीर्वाद  है  जिसे  केवल  किताबो  से हासिल  नहीं किया जा  सकता  ज्योतिष  में  सफलता  के  लिए  जरुरी  हे  यम  और  नियम  कि परिपालना । 

               इसी  सम्बन्ध  में  हम आपको  बताने  जा  रहे  है  किस प्रकार  एक सफल  ज्योतिष  बिना आपके घर  आये  आपको यह  बता  देता है की  आप किस  दिशा  में  रहते  है , आपके मकान का  कलर  कोनसा है  और  आप किस  फ्लोर  पे  रहते  हो ।  जब भी कोई ज्योतिषी   इस  प्रकार की गणना  आपको बताता  हे  तो आप  उस  पर  अंधविश्वास  करने  लगते  है , परन्तु  यह एक छोटा सा मेथड  है  जो आप  भी  कर सकते है , यहाँ  आज साईं  ज्योतिष  अनुसन्धान  वहीं  मेथड  कुंडली  के द्वारा  बताने का प्रयास  कर  रहा  है -

यहाँ  कुंडली  में  १२  भावो  को दर्शाया  गया  है  और बताया गया  हे  कि  २  भाव  धन  का ,

५  वा  भाव  संतान  का ।  मगर ऐसा क्यों  है ? क्या  २व भाग  पत्नी  का  नहीं  हो  सकता ।  वास्तविकता  में  यहाँ  हर  भाव  एक  दूसरे  से जुड़ा हुआ  है , आइये  अब हम  देखते  हे  की  किस प्रकार  एक कुंडली  किसी  भी  इंसान  का वास्तु  केसे  दर्शाती  है -

जिस प्रकार  किसी भी मकान  कि चार  दिशा  होती है  उसी  प्रकार  एक व्यक्ति  कि कुंडली  से भी  दिशा  का ज्ञान  होता  है , आपको यहाँ  सिर्फ  व्यक्ति  कि कुंडली  में  ४ वा  भाव  देखना  है  और  पता  करना है ,कि  वहा  कोनसी राशि है  जेसे  ९  तो  इसका  अर्थ हुआ  कि धनु राशि  अर्थार्त  पूर्व  दिशा  में  जो मकान है  वहा  वो पर्सन  रहता है  अब अगर वो  घर  का मुखिया हे  तो  लगन  कि राशि देख ले  जेसे  ४ था  भाव  धनु  का हे  तो  पहला भाव का  स्वामी  ६ नंबर यानि  बुध  हुआ  तो  आप देखेगे  कि उसके मकान का कलर पिंक या  ग्रीन  मिक्स  होगा। 

                  तो  आज से आप भी  शुरू  कर दे  ज्योतिष से  चमत्कार ।

ॐ  साईं  राम ।

Saturday, November 2, 2013


ॐ साई राम ।
समस्त  भारत वासियो  को  दीपावली और नूतन वर्ष  की  साईं  ज्योतिष  अनुसन्धान की  और  से  हार्दिक शुभकामनाऐ ।
दीपावली  के  इस शुभ  अवसर  पर  गुरु  साई राम  और  श्री श्री  रविशंकर  की  प्रेरणा  से  हम   प्रति  रविवार  निशुल्क  ज्योतिष  समाधान  शिविर  ऋृराज वाटिका  में  शुरू करने जा  रहे है , निवेदन  आप से यह  है  कि आप  अपनी दुआओ  से इसे  सफल  बनावे  ताकि जनकल्याण का  यह  मिशन  सफल  हो सके ।

               एक  बार  पुनः  ॐ  साईं  राम ।


डॉ.संजय गील

Friday, November 1, 2013


sai astrolgy always pray to god for your happiness ans pleasure life and fulfillment of the object today we gives to all of of our well wisher and client  information about HOW TO MAKE SUCCESS IN LIFE BY DIWALI POOJAN METHOD"
   again many many happy returns of three day and take advantage of  diwali method.


Dhan Trayodashi - Shri Kuber Puja Muhurat 2013
As per Hindu calendar, on the day of Kartik Krishna Trayodashi, dated 1st November 2013 in the evening and in Pradosh Kaal, the Muhurat for Yama-Deep-Daan as well as Shri Kuber Pujan will start. You will  do the same  from sunrise till night (09:32pm), as per your  sign(rashi) you buy for fetching blessings of Almighty:
Aries - Gold Coin, Tej Patta
Taurus - Gold Coin, Turmeric
Gemini - Gold Coin, Saffron
Cancer - Silver Coin
Leo - Honey, ruby stone
Virgo - Steel Utensils, Gemstones
Libra - Silver Utensils, Cotton clothes, perfume of rose
Scorpio – cooper shri yantram.Sagittarius - Silver jewelry, Perfume
Capricorn - Steel water tank.
aquarius – blue sapphire ,green cloths Pisces - Copper utensil
Best time (Muhurta) For Diwali Pujan 2013
Diwali Pujan should always be performed during stationary ascendant. Following are the stationary ascendants on Diwali night:
Aquarius Ascendant: 01:41 - 03:09pm
Taurus Ascendant: 06:10 pm- 08:00pm
Leo Ascendant: 01:39am - 02:57am
 Sai astrology Hope that the particular time will help you to plan your schedule for performing ceremonies at home. With this we wish you a very happy and prosperous Diwali 2013 festival!
Further, we have developed some special goods and item Like kuber lock for your factory, and shop. Go down  etc. special laxmi pooja packet with shri yantra kber yantra and genuine item for pooja.

For performing a simple Lakshmi Pooja during the occasion of Diwali, the following Pooja items are used. The given items are easily available in any local grocery stores. Use these Pooja items to perform Diwali pooja flawlessly.
Following is the list of Diwali Pujan Samagri:
  • Kumkum Powder 1 spoon, Turmeric Haldi 1 spoon,Chandan Powder 1 spoon,Agarbatti / Dhoopsticks 4 aggarbatti sticks ,Flowers,Bell,Camphor Dhoop Patra,Oil lamp (if available),Kalash,Ghee Lamp,Panchpatra Achman,Puja Plate,Camphor 1 pkt,Peetham (optional),Raw Rice 1 cup,Milk 1 cup,Curd 1 cup,Ghee 1 cup,Honey 2 spoon,Sugar 1 cup,Paper roll,Ganesha Idol,Mahalakshmi Idol or picture,Lakshmi coins,5 Coins,Few ,poons,Few paper plates,Cotton wicks to light lamp,Betel nuts 1 packet,Betel leaves,Red or white cloth (towel or blouse piece),Home cooked Sweets,Banana 12, 
  • Guidelines to be followed during Diwali Poojan
  • Purification of soul and body is must before performing any Pooja, so first bath and wear new clothes, and do Namaskar to your parents, Guru or their picture
  • Collect all Diwali Pooja items at your shrine place where you’ll perform Diwali Poojan
  • While performing Diwali Pooja, facing should be toward east direction
  • Place Peetham in front of you and spread red cloth or unused small towel on top.
  • Place Goddess Lakshmi’s picture on top of the red cloth.
  • Put oil lamps on both side.
  • Put incence sticks on the right hand side of the picture.
  • Prepare a plate with Kumkum, Chandan, turmeric power, coins, betel nuts and leaves
  • Place banana on side
  • Place Prasad on side
  • Take 1 cup of raw rice, mix couple of pinches of turmeric powder. Mix it really well and sprinkle couple of water drops and mix it again. This is called Akshata
  • Place flowers on your right hand side and put Akshata (prepared above) in the same plate
  • Keep water filled Kalasha ready to your left
  • Place Panchapatram or a cup filled with water and spoon in your front
  • Place paper napkins on side
  • Keep Ganesha idol, Lakshmi idol and Lakshmi coins right in front of the picture
  • Ladies should sit on the right side of males during Puja
Chanting Mantras are very significant sacred part to perform a delightful Puja and to solely please God or Goddess. Thereby, offering invocations and chanting mantras will make Diwali Puja divine. Following are the different Mantras given for different purposes.
"Om sarvebhyo gurubhyo namah |
Om sarvebhyo devebhyo namah ||
Om sarvebhyo brahmanebhyo namah ||
Prarambha karyam nirvighnamastu |
Subham sobhanamastu |
Ista devata kuladevata suprasanna varada bhavatu ||
Anujnam dehi ||"
Deep Sthapana
As Diwali is the festival of illuminating lights, establishing deepa or diya (lamps) is divine part of Diwali Pooja. Establishments of Dipa on shrine place is called ‘Deep Sthapna’. Performing this, you not only lit lamp but also invite enormous prosperity at your home. By lighting Diya, you pray to God to remove darkness or evil influence from your life forever. And this way, Dipa Sthapna brings mammoth happiness and harmony among family members. Therefore, some holy methods are applied for Deepa Sthapna. Know below how Dipa Sthapana is done.
"Atha devasya vama bhage dipa sthapanam karisye |" (light lamp on the left side of the picture, if you have two oil lamps you can place both of them on either side otherwise on the left hand side of the Devas)
(Take a spoonful of water, sip it and repeat the process three times with each Mantra outlined below and wash your hands at end)
"Om Kesavaya svaha | Om narayanaya svaha | Om madhavaya svaha |"
Given below are the mantras. Do Namskaram with each of the following mantra.
"Om govimdaya namah | om visnave namah | om madhusudanaya namah | om trivikramaya namah | om vamanaya namah | om sridharaya namah | om hrsikesaya namah | om padmanabhaya namah | om damodaraya namah | om sri krisanaya namah | om vāsudevāya namah | om pradyumnaya h| om aniruddhaya namah | om purusottamāya namah | om adhoksajaya namah | om narasiṁhāya namah | om acyutaya namah | om janardanāya namah | om upemdraya namah | om haraye namah | sri krisnaya namah ||"
Pranayamah (take spoonful water in your hand)
"Om pranavasya parabrahma rsih | paramatmadevata | daivi gayatri chandah | pranayame viniyogah ||" (Drop water from your hand in a plate) (Sit straight, fill your lungs with air, hold it and exhale)
"Om bhuh | om bhuvah | om svah | om mahah| om janah | om tapah| om satyam | om tatsaviturvarenyam bhargodevasya dhīmahī dhiyo yo nah prachodayāt || Om apojyoti rasomrtam brahma bhurbhuvassuvarom ||"
(Offer Akshata and flower petals to Lord Ganesha)
"Om Sri mahaganadhipataye namah |"
"Sri gurubhyo namah | Sri sarasvatyai namah | Sri vedaya namah | Sri Vedapurusaya namah | Istadevatābhyo namah | kuladevatābhyo namah | Sthanadevatabhyo namah | Gramadevatabhyo namah | Vastudevatabhyo namah | Sachipuramdarabhyām namah | Umamahesvarabhyam namah | matapitrbhyam namah | Padmavati narayanabhyam namah | Sarvebhyo devebhyo namo namah | Sarvebhyo brahmanebhyo namo namah | Karma pradhana devatabhyo namo namah ||"
|| Avighnamastu ||
(Keep offering Akshat or flower petals to Lord Ganesha’s idol)
"Sumukhasca ekadmtasca kapilo gajakarnakah |
Lambodarasca vikato vighna naso gahādhipah || "
"Dhumraketurganadhyakso balacandro gajananah |
Dvadasaitani namani yah pathet srunuyadapi ||"
"Vidyarambhe vivahe ca pravese nirgame tatha |
Samgrame sankatascaiva vighnah tasya na jayate ||"
"Suklambaradharam devam sasivarnam caturbhujam |
Prasanna vadanam dhyayet sarva vighnopa samtaye ||"
"Sarvamangala mangalye sive sarvartha sadhike |
Saranye trayambake devi narayani namostute ||"
"Sarvada sarva karyesu nasti teasam amangalam |
Yesam hrdistho bhagavan mangalayatano harih ||"
"Tadeva lagnam sudinam tadeva tārābalam camdrabalam tadeva |
Vidya balam daivabalam tadeva padmavatipateh temghri yugam smarāmi ||"
"Labhastesm jayastesam kutastesam parajayah |
Yesam indivara śyamo hrdayastho janardanah ||"
"Vinayakam gurum bhanum brahmavisnumahesvaran |
Sarasvatim pranamyadau sarva karyartha siddhaye ||"
Sankalpah (Hold flowers, Akshata, a coin, water drops, betel nut in your both hands together)
"Om purvokta evam guna visesana visistayam subhapunyatithau mama atmanah sruti-smrti-puranokta phala-praptyartham mama sa-kutumbasya ksema sthairya ayu-rrogya caturvidha purusartha sidhyartham dipavalilaksmi pujam aham karisye ||"
"Idam phalam mayadeva sthapitam puratastava |
tena me saphalavaptirbhavet janmani janmani ||" (offer flowers, akshata, a coin, water drops, betel nut in front goddess)
Ganapati puja (hold a spoonful water in your right hand, chant following Mantra and offer the water at the end)
(Offer water in hand to Lord) "Adau nirvighnatasidhyartham maha ganapatim pujanam karisye |"
"Om gananam tva saunako grtsamado ganapatirjagati ganapatyavahane viniyogah ||" (offer water in hand to lord)
"Om bhurbhuvasvah mahaganapataye namah | avahayami |" (offer Akshata)
"Om bhurbhuvasvah mahaganapataye namah | dhyayami | dhyanam samarpayami |" (offer Akshata)
"Om mahagahapataye namah | avahanam samarpayami |" (offer Akshata)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | asanam samarpayami |" (offer flower petals, Akshata)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | padyam samarpayami |" (sprinkle water drops)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | arghyam samarpayami |" (offer flower petals, water drops and Akshata)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | acamaniyam samarpayami |" (offer a spoonful water)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | snanam samarpayami |" (offer a spoonful water)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | vastram samarpayami |" (offer akshata, flowers )
"Om mahaganapataye namah | yajnopavitam samarpayami |" (offer akshata, flowers )
"Om mahaganapataye namah | camdanam samarpayami |" (offer chandan paste)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | parimala dravyam samarpayāmi |" (offer kumkum)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | puspani samarpayami |" (offer flower petals)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | dhupam samarpayami |" (offer agarbatti)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | dipam samarpayami |" (show ghee lamp)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | naivedyam samarpayami |" (offer banana)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | tambulam samarpayami |" (offer betel leaf, betel nuts)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | phalam samarpayami |" (offer some fruits)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | daksinam samarpayami |" (offer coins)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | artikyam samarpayāmi |" (light ghee lamp, do arati three times)
"Om bhurbhuvasvah mahaganapataye namah | mantrapuspam samarpayami |" (offer flowers)
"Om bhurbhuvasvah mahaganapataye namah | pradaksinan namaskaran samarpayami |" (offer akshata, flowers)
"Om mahaganapataye namah | sarva rajopacaran samarpayami ||’ (offer akshata)
"Anaya pujaya vighnaharta mahaganapatih priyatam ||"
Lakshmi Puja
Goddess Laksmi is the Goddess of wealth and richness. Worshiping and venerating, her devotees are blessed with boundless wealth in life. She is represented to offer gold, silver and infinite money coming out from grace of her hands. Thus, it is very auspicious and important to venerate Goddess Lakshmi during Diwali. Also, Lakshmi Pooja is important ritual in Diwali pooja vidhi. Know below the method of invocation to adore Goddess Lakshmi.
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | avahayami |" (offer akshata)
"Om namo mahālaksmyai namah | dhyayami | dhyanam samarpayami |" (offer akshata)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | avahanam Samarpayami |" (offer akshata)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | asanam samarpayāmi |" (offer flower petals, akshata)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | padyam samarpayāmi |" (sprinkle water drops)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | arghyam samarpayami |" (offer flower petals, water drops and akshata)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | acamaniyam samarpayami |" (offer a spoonful water)
"Om namo mahālaksmyai namah | snanam samarpayami |" (offer a spoonful water)
Now, chant following Mantra 108 times and keep offering mixture of milk, curd, ghee, sugar as well as honey over Mahalakshmi’s idol, Lakshmi coins. If you don’t have Lakshmi coins, you can use regular dollar coins etc. And then pour clean water. Cleanse and put them again in clean Puja plate.
"Om namo mahālakṣmyai namah |" Now chant this Mantra and wash Vigraham, idol and coins with clean water. Rinse and place them in clean Puja plate.
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | abhiseka snānam samarpayami |" (offer a spoonful of water)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | achamaniyam samarpayami |" (offer a spoonful water)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | vastram samarpayami |" (offer Akshata, flowers )
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | camdanam samarpayami |" (offer Chandan paste)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | parimala dravyam samarpayami |" (offer Kumkum)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | puspani samarpayami |" (offer flower petals)
Now take flower petals, chant following mantras one after another and keep offering petals. Alternatively, you can also offer flower petals by chanting "Om namo mahālakṣmyai namah" 108 times.
"Om prakrtyai namah |"  "Om vikrtyai namah |"  "Om vidyāyai namah |"
"Om sarva-bhuta-hita-pradayai namah |"  "Om sraddhayai namah |"
"Om vibhutyai namah |"  "Om surabhyai namah |"  "Om paramātmikāyai namah |"
"Om vāce namaḥ |"  "Om padmālayayai namah |" "Om padmayai namah |"
"Om sucaye namah |""Om svāhāyai namah |"  "Om svadhāyai namah |"
"Om sudhāyai namah |" "Om dhanyayai namah |" "Om hiranmayyai namah |"
"Om laksmyai namah |"   "Om nityapustayai namah |"
"Om vibhavaryai namah |"
"Om adityai namah |"
"Om ditye namah |"
"Om dipayai namah |"
"Om vasudhayai namah |"
"Om vasudharinyai namah |"
"Om kamalayai namah |"
"Om kantayai namah |"
"Om kāmāksyai namah |"
"Om krodhasambhavāyai namah |"
"Om anugrahapradayai namah |"
"Om buddhaye namah |"
"Om anaghayai namah |"
"Om harivallabhayai namah |"
"Om asokayai namah |"
"Om amrtayai namah |"
"Om diptāyai namah |"
"Om loka-soka-vinasinyai namah |"
"Om dharmanilayayai namah |"
"Om karunayai namah |"
"Om lokamātre namah |"
"Om padmapriyāyai namah |"
"Om padmahastayai namah |"
"Om padmaksyai namah |"
"Om padmasundaryai namah |"
"Om padmodbhavayai namah |"
"Om padmamukhyai namah |"
"Om padmanabhapriyayai namah |"
"Om ramāyai namah |"
"Om padmamaladharayai namah |"
"Om devyai namah |"
"Om padminyai namah|"
"Om padmagandhinyai namah |"
"Om punyagandhayai namah |"
"Om suprasannayai namah |"
"Om prasadabhimukhyai namah |"
"Om prabhāyai namah |"
"Om candravadanāyai namah |"
"Om candrāyai namah |"
"Om candrasahodaryai namah |"
"Om caturbhujayai namah |"
"Om candrarupayai namah |"
"Om indirayai namah |"
"Om indusitalayai namah |"
"Om ahladajananyai namah |"
"Om pustyai namah |"
"Om sivayai namah |"
"Om sivakaryai namah |"
"Om satyai namah |"
"Om vimalayai namah |"
"Om visvajananyai namah |"
"Om tustyai namah |"
"Om daridrya- namah |"
"Om pritipuskarinyai namah |"
"Om santayai namah |"
"Om suklamalyambarayai namah |"
"Om sriyai namah |"
"Om bhaskaryai namah |"
"Om bilvanilayayai namah |"
"Om vararohayai namah |"
"Om yasasvinyai namah |"
"Om vasundharayai namah |"
"Om udaramgayai namah |"
"Om harinyai namah |"
"Om hemamalinyai namah |"
"Om dhanadhanyakaryai namah |"
"Om siddhaye namah |"
"Om strainasaumyayai namah |"
"Om subhapradaye namah |"
"Om nrpa-vesma-gatanandayai namah |"
"Om varalaksmyai namah |"
"Om vasupradayai namah |"
"Om subhayai namah |"
"Om hiranya-prakarayai namah |"
"Om samudra-tanayāyai namah |"
"Om jayayai namah |"
"Om mamgala devyai namah |"
"Om visnu-vaksa-ssthala-sthitayai namah |"
"Om visnupatnyai namah |"
"Om prasannaksyai namah |"
"Om narayana-samasritayai namah |"
"Om daridrya-dhvamsinyai namah |"
"Om devyai namah |"
"Om sarvopadrava varinyai namah |"
"Om navadurgāyai namah |"
"Om mahakalyai namah |"
"Om brahma-visnu-sivatmikayai namah |"
"Om trikala-jnana-sampannayai namah |"
"Om bhuvanesvaryai namah |"
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | astottarasatanama pujam samarpayami।"
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | dhupam samarpayami |" (show lighted dhoop/agarbatti)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | dipam samarpayāmi |" (show lighted ghee lamp)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah| naivedyam samarpayami |" (offer banana)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | tambulam samarpayami |" (offer betel leaf, betel nuts)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | phalam samarpayami |" (offer some fruits)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | daksinam samarpayami |" (offer coins)
Mahalakshmi Aarti
Aarti successfully concludes any Pooja. For delightfully concluding Diwali Pooja, it is must to sing Ganesh Aarti and Mahalakshmi Aarti. Through singing Aarti, devotees devotedly show reverence inclined toward deity. Offering Aarti is one way to adore or venerate God or Goddess. Therefore, for completely delighting Goddess Lakshmi during this Diwali Pooja, must offer Mahalakshmi Aarti.
Given below is Mahalakshmi Aarti. Light lamp and sing Aarati.
"Om Jai Laxmi Mata, Maiya JaiLaxmi Mata,
Tumko nis din sevat, Hari, Vishnu Data……….. Om Jai Laxmi Mata
Uma Rama Brahmaani, Tum ho Jag Mata…………..Maiya, Tum ho Jag Mata,
Surya Chandrama dhyaavat, Naarad Rishi gaata……………Om Jai Laxmi Mata.
Durga Roop Niranjani, Sukh Sampati Data, ………..Maiya Sukh Sampati Data
Jo koyee tumko dhyaataa, Ridhee Sidhee dhan paataa…………….Om Jai Laxmi Mata.
Jis ghar mein tum rehtee, sab sukh guna aataa,………….Maiya sab sukh guna aataa,
Taap paap mit jaataa, Man naheen ghabraataa…………..Om Jai Laxmi Mata
Dhoop Deep phal meva, Ma sweekaar karo,…………………..Maiya Ma sweekaar karo,
Gyaan prakaash karo Ma, Moha agyaan haro……………….Om Jai Laxmi Mata.
Maha Laxmiji ki Aarti, nis din jo gaavey……………Maiya nis din jo gaavey,
dukh jaavey, sukh aavey, ati aananda paavey……………om jai laxmi mata.
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | artikyam samarpayami |" (light ghee lamp, do Arati three times)
"Om namo mahalakshmyai namah | mantrapuspam samarpayāmi |" (offer flowers)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah | pradaksinan namaskaran samarpayami |" (offer akshata, flowers)
"Om namo mahalaksmyai namah| sarva rājopacārān samarpayāmi ||" (offer Akshata)
"Anaya pujaya mahalaksmih priyatam ||"