Saturday, November 9, 2013



(अस्थमा : एक  ज्योतिषीय  विश्लेषण  और  उपाय )

the foremost condition that indeed requires human viability , is respiratory function. its a true fact that human life  is make by panch tatva like water,fire, earth,air,and space and i the main stream for a healthful   sustainment. on the gross physical plane represent  three pre moral humours.harmonious dispositions of these  three main factors keep our mental , emotional and physic health index at an even level. any disturbance , uneven distribution , excess accumulation of any three humours can causes of disease.                       
 ASTHMA  is one of the most formidable and long standing disease which gives the sufferer  constant  unbearable  pain  without  any freedom  and develops a fear complex out of which gives the sufferer constant  like death. actually due to excess  accumulation of mucus  and phlegm in the  system  blocking  the conical airways and lungs  alveolar causing  a situation of breathlessness and bronical  airways  and lungs also.
ther are  quite  a number of reasons  towards  the causes  of different  types of Asthama  But the Discipline
 of Astrology is quite  helpful  ti take possible  cause  of malady  through scanning different  planetary angles and when the cause is known, the factor  lying  behind the malady  is palpably within the scope of  its reach. Now let us  understand what astrology  holds towards the cause  of asthma. we know  that a sharp  disproportion  of three  humors  is the  cause  root cause  of all maladies including  asthma . In Astrology  sun and mars, Jupiter. mercury and moon position as under:-

  • the sun and mars  on physical plane represent bile.
  • Jupiter on physical plane indicates flesh, marrow and gross primoral qualities .
  • Mercury on Physically  denotes all the  three  homours  moisture or the fludic portion of the body chiefly. 
  • The Moon and Venus  on physical  plane  denote  moisture  and fluidize portion of the  body chiefly  the mucus and phlegm.

 According to  astrology the cause of asthma is  result of humans purava karma and present life.when positions of planets  are below status hundred present person have asthma:-
  1. mercury is in the 6th house  and seen by malefic and occupying  of a navamansha of malefif planet .
  2. mars is in the 6th house and seen by mercury and venus or moon.
  3. the moon is hemmed in between saturn,mars and sun in makar rashi.
  4. the moon undercover  of saturn and stay in 7th house in this condition person injured after marry.
  5. the first drekkana of mithuna will be stay on 22 degree.
  6. mars in lagna and seen by the sun.
  7. Saturn in the 6th house and seen by sun, mars and rahu.
  8. the lord of 5th house is in the 02 house or 8th house.
  1. if mercury is in the 6th house and seen by malefic planet dont wear panna gems and green color cloths in opposite donate green fruits to children, green cloths, green sweets to kinner (hinjada- the third generation ) 
  2. every morning donate water to sun.
  3. every shukla paksha second day donate milk to moon.
  4. wear laazwart in middle finger right hand.
  5. read every day rahu, saturun,moon and murcury kawach path at morning.
  6. do not stay in your bedroom on purnima and amavasya.
  7. put margaj ganesh at your pooja house and donate laddu(mung ke daal ke)and green grass.
  8. start the meditation of shirdi sai baba which available at shirdi book stall or our website  
साईं  ज्योतिष को  आशा  है  किआपको  हमारा यह  आलेख  उपयोगी  लगेगा और   आप  हमारे  इन  प्रयासो को  सार्थक  बनायेगे  हालांकि  कारवां  और साथी  बहुत कम  है  क्योकि  आजके  भौतिक  युग में   इंसान  मानवता को  भूलता जा  रहा है , फिर  भी गुरु का आशीर्वाद  हमे एक  दिन  हमे  उस  मुकाम  तक  जरुर  पहुचायेगा  जहा  सभी का कल्याण  किया जा सके ।

ॐ  साईं  राम ।

सदैव  आपका

डॉ. संजय  गील
साईं  ज्योतिष  अनुसन्धान  केंद्र , चित्तोडगढ (राजस्थान )

1 comment:

  1. very useful post. It gives us lot of information. You can get over herbal supplement to cure asthma. It is both safe and effective.visit
